Dr. Radhakrishnan Teachers Self Help Group (RKTSHG) | Regd:0934/2023
Let us know about Dr. Radhakrishnan Teacher Self-Help Group (RKTSHG)?
RKTSHG is established by teachers, for teachers, by teachers to provide financial assistance to the families of teachers associated with the group in case of untimely death.
The RKTSHG is true for all sections. Here it will work rising above the discrimination of any caste, religion, language, country, foreign country, jealousy, or hatred.
It will treat the organization as brothers in a spiritual relationship and will consider the world as its own family and will teach world brotherhood and build humanity and humanity in the spirit of world brotherhood and motherhood.
All the officers and members of RKTSHG are named after the name of the trust instead of honor, pride, pride, pride, selflessness, constructive spirit, pure spirit, spiritual spirit, service spirit, honesty, loyalty, understanding, responsibility. , by following the rules, limits, unity, integrity, equality, originality of the nation, fundamental rights, fundamental duties and the basic principles, rules, limits, discipline, and main objectives and proper guidelines, proper guidance and institutions of India. They will follow the high ideals as the holy best, the highest, the best, the most important, honest, dutiful, and with a true heart.
RKTSHG purity of conscience for the welfare of the creation through spiritual knowledge, spiritual power, true knowledge, self-reflection, contemplation of God, progress of the society on the basis of truth, self-improvement, self-improvement, for the development of moral values, social interest, national interest, welfare. Through good wishes and good feelings towards world welfare, by following God, rules, and norms, good wishes will be possible for the welfare of the world and the upliftment of mankind.
The goal of RKTSHG
The aim of RKTSHG is that all the teachers of the country should join this team and in case of untimely death of any legal member of the team, his family should be supported.
Who can join RKTSHG?
RKTSHG is for all those teachers who are working in government or private educational institutions / schools / colleges / universities. All teachers can join
How to connect with RKTSHG?
To join RKTSHG, register by visiting the website https://rktshgindia.org, and also join the Telegram group of RKTSHG, you will get all the updates and information from the Telegram group.
RULES - After legal registration with RKTSHG, you will have to keep an eye on the updates on the group. On the death of a member, it is mandatory to fill the form with the support of his family. You will get support only if you cooperate. Rules and discipline are paramount.
Registration is mandatory to join RKTSHG.
(A) Registration fee is only ₹ 150. The period of registration will be for 1 year. The registration fee has to be deposited every year.
(B) The registration fee will be only ₹100 for the next 5 years from 2nd year onwards.
(C) The registration fee will be reduced by ₹20-20 after every 5 years.
[ Registration fee is charged online to the group's account. Various types of arrangements will be provided to the members from the registration fee. If one does not pay the registration fee, one's membership will be automatically terminated.]